Stap 3: Program je Arduino
Programmeren van de Arduino met deze mooie code die ik voor dit project geschreven heb. Ik weet het is een puinhoop, maar het werkt geweldig en ik ben geen programmeur.
// Hardware Setup<br>#include #include "U8glib.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_NO_ACK); // Display which does not send ACK dht DHT; RTC_DS3231 RTC; #define DHT22_PIN 11 #define SQW_FREQ DS3231_SQW_FREQ_1
// Output pins const int ledPin = 13; // pin that the LED is attached to const int L1 = 7; // pins for wakeup lights const int L2 = 9; const int L3 = 10; const int L4 = 6; const int L5 = 8; const int L6 = 3; const int L7 = 2; const int L8 = 4;
// Arduino Master setup void setup(void) { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(L1, OUTPUT); pinMode(L2, OUTPUT); pinMode(L3, OUTPUT); pinMode(L4, OUTPUT); pinMode(L5, OUTPUT); pinMode(L6, OUTPUT); pinMode(L7, OUTPUT); pinMode(L8, OUTPUT); Wire.begin(); RTC.begin();
// set font for the console window u8g.setFont(u8g_font_7x14);
// set upper left position for the string draw procedure u8g.setFontPosTop();
clear_screen(); // clear screen
//------------------------------ // The main loop runs once every 15 seconds. To adjust the timing, there is a parameter called loopdelay. // This device is around 14.5 seconds and is finetuned everyday according to the real time clock. // (see timeatend parameter at the end of the code) if ( == 0) EEPROM.write(255,200); } int short loopdelay =; //------------------------------
DateTime now;
// System Variables (Do Not Touch) short Cbuffer[4]; double Clastmin; short Cclose[12]; short Cinst; short Ccloseavg; short Vtemp[120]; boolean warmup = true; short ntime = 9999; short nstart; short timeatend; short nsunrise = 7*60*4; double sun; short nwakeup; double time_offset; double eps; double eqtime; double decl; double ha; short dotweek;
// User Variables (OK to touch) double Longitude = 3; double Latitude = 51; double timezone = 1; //0 when DST in Belgium, 1 when normal short demopause = 200; short nwakeupstart = (6*60+45)*4;
// XY Graph Position and Size const byte originX = 2; const byte originY = 45;
const byte Hpoints = 124; const byte Vpoints = 45;
//Graphics parameters uint8_t line_pos = 0; #define ROW_MAX 4 #define LINE_MAX 17 #define x_MAX 127 #define y_MAX 63 uint8_t screen[ROW_MAX][LINE_MAX]; uint8_t rows, cols; #define LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT 14 #define pi 3.141592653589793
// Function Clear Screen void clear_screen(void) { uint8_t i, j; for( i = 0; i < ROW_MAX; i++ ) for( j = 0; j < LINE_MAX; j++ ) screen[i][j] = 0; }
// Draw Routine for the LCD Screen void draw(void) { // Axii u8g.drawHLine(originX, originY, Hpoints+1); u8g.drawVLine(originX, originY-Vpoints-1, Vpoints+1);
// Y arrow u8g.drawVLine(originX-1, originY-Vpoints+1, 2); u8g.drawVLine(originX+1, originY-Vpoints+1, 2); u8g.drawPixel(originX-2, originY-Vpoints+2); u8g.drawPixel(originX+2, originY-Vpoints+2);
// X arrow u8g.drawHLine(originX+Hpoints-2, originY-1, 2); u8g.drawHLine(originX+Hpoints-2, originY+1, 2); u8g.drawPixel(originX+Hpoints-2,originY-2); u8g.drawPixel(originX+Hpoints-2,originY+2);
// Vertical Grid Points for(int i = 20; i <= Hpoints-4; i+=20 ) { for(int j = 3; j <= Vpoints-2; j+=3 ) { u8g.drawPixel(originX+i,originY-j); } }
// Horizontal Grid Points for(int j = 9; j <= Vpoints-4; j+=15 ) { for(int i = 4; i <= Hpoints-4; i+=4 ) { u8g.drawPixel(originX+i,originY-j); } }
// The trace of the temperature over time for (int i=0; i<120; i++) { Vtemp[(i + 100) % 120] = (*15/50; //trick by giving Vtemp another times value, thus shifting the graph if (Vtemp[i] > 0 && Vtemp[i] <= Vpoints) { u8g.drawPixel(originX+i,originY-Vtemp[i]); } }
// Print current time
if (ntime/240 < 10) { u8g.setPrintPos(originX, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print(0); u8g.setPrintPos(originX+7, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print(ntime/240); } else { u8g.setPrintPos(originX, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print(ntime/240); } u8g.setPrintPos(originX+14, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print(":");
if ((ntime % 240)/4 < 10) { u8g.setPrintPos(originX+21, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print(0); u8g.setPrintPos(originX+28, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print((ntime % 240)/4); } else { u8g.setPrintPos(originX+21, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print((ntime % 240)/4); }
// Print daylight time u8g.setPrintPos(originX+44, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print("*"); //Print hour u8g.setPrintPos(originX+51, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print(nsunrise/240); //Print the : u8g.setPrintPos(originX+58, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print(":");
if ((nsunrise % 240)/4 < 10) { u8g.setPrintPos(originX+65, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print(0); u8g.setPrintPos(originX+72, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print((nsunrise % 240)/4); } else { u8g.setPrintPos(originX+65, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print((nsunrise % 240)/4); }
//Print the temperature for last minute u8g.setPrintPos(originX+87, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print((Clastmin+100)/10, 1); u8g.setPrintPos(originX+116, 63-LINE_PIXEL_HEIGHT); u8g.print("\xb0");
// Time cursor at top int plottime = ntime + 24 + 5760; int cursorpos = (((plottime)*120/5760) + 100) % 120; u8g.drawPixel(originX+cursorpos,1); u8g.drawHLine(originX+cursorpos-1,0,3);
// Arduino Main Loop (runs once every 15 seconds) void loop(void) { //Processing starts, light LED digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH);
// get the time from RTC clock now =;
//Device has just been powered on: if (ntime == 9999) {
//Set relays digitalWrite(L8,HIGH); digitalWrite(L7,HIGH); digitalWrite(L6,HIGH); digitalWrite(L5,HIGH); digitalWrite(L4,HIGH); digitalWrite(L3,HIGH); digitalWrite(L2,HIGH); digitalWrite(L1,HIGH); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L1,LOW); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L2,LOW); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L3,LOW); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L4,LOW); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L5,LOW); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L6,LOW); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L7,LOW); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L8,LOW); delay(demopause*5); digitalWrite(L8,HIGH); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L7,HIGH); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L6,HIGH); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L5,HIGH); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L4,HIGH); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L3,HIGH); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L2,HIGH); delay(demopause); digitalWrite(L1,HIGH);
// Calculate Sunrise, once a day and on startup if (ntime == 1320 || ntime == 9999) { // calculate sunrise and day of the week here
eps=2*pi/365*(((now.month()-1)*30.3 + + 0.5)-1); eqtime=229.18*(0.000075+0.001868*cos(eps)-0.032077*sin(eps)-0.014615*cos(2*eps)-0.040849*sin(2*eps)); decl=0.006918-0.399912*cos(eps)+0.070257*sin(eps)-0.006758*cos(2*eps)+0.000907*sin(2*eps)-0.002697*cos(3*eps)+0.00148*sin(3*eps);
time_offset=eqtime-4*Longitude+60*timezone; ha = acos((cos(90.833/180*pi)/(cos(Latitude/180*pi)*cos(decl)))-tan(Latitude/180*pi)*tan(decl)); nsunrise = (720 + 4*(Longitude-ha/pi*180) - eqtime) * 4;
dotweek = now.dayOfWeek(); dotweek = now.dayOfWeek(); }
// Calculate time to sunrise sun = (((ntime-nsunrise)) % (24*60*4))/4; if (sun > 60) sun = sun - 24*60;
Stel de parameter ntime te corrigeren van de tijd ntime=now.hour()*60*4+now.minute()*4+((now.second()+8) / 15); nstart = ntime; // Set the ntime parameter to correct time ntime=now.hour()*60*4+now.minute()*4+((now.second()+8) / 15); nstart=ntime; }
Apparaat draait al: anders {als (ntime > (nstart + 12 * 4) || nstart > 5710) warmup = false; // Device is already running: else { if (ntime > (nstart + 12*4) || nstart > 5710) warmup = false; }
//Device is already running or just powered on, doesn't matter: //Read temp probe uint32_t start = micros(); int chk = DHT.read22(DHT22_PIN); uint32_t stop = micros(); switch (chk)
Afdrukken van de ingangen naar seriële poort vanaf Temp sonde {kast DHTLIB_OK: Serial.print ("OK,"); breken; kast DHTLIB_ERROR_CHECKSUM: Serial.print ("Checksum error,"); breken; kast DHTLIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT: Serial.print ("time-out fout,"); breken; standaard: Serial.print ("Unknown error,"); breken; //Print inputs from Temp probe to serial port { case DHTLIB_OK: Serial.print("OK, "); break; case DHTLIB_ERROR_CHECKSUM: Serial.print("Checksum error, "); break; case DHTLIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT: Serial.print("Time out error, "); break; default: Serial.print("Unknown error, "); break; }
//Print some extra debug data to serial port
Serial.print(; Serial.print('-'); Serial.print(now.month()); Serial.print('-'); Serial.print(now.year()); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(now.hour()); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(now.minute()); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(ntime); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(loopdelay); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(nsunrise/60/4); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print((nsunrise%(60*4))/4); Serial.print(" ");
Cinst = DHT.temperature * 10 - 100; // Cinst = random(50,100); //for test Serial.print((Cinst+100)); Serial.print(" => "); Cbuffer[ntime % 4] = Cinst; Clastmin = (Cbuffer[0] + Cbuffer[1] + Cbuffer[2] + Cbuffer[3])/4; Serial.print((Clastmin+100)/10,1);
Als (ntime % 4 == 0) {Serial.print(",\t"); Cclose [(ntime % 48) / 4] = Clastmin; if (ntime % 4 == 0) { Serial.print(",\t"); Cclose[(ntime % 48) / 4] = Clastmin; }
if (ntime % 48 == 24) { Ccloseavg = (Cclose[0] + Cclose[1] + Cclose[2] + Cclose[3] + Cclose[4] + Cclose[5] + Cclose[6] + Cclose[7] + Cclose[8] + Cclose[9] + Cclose[10] + Cclose[11])/12; if (warmup == true) EEPROM.write(ntime/48,0); else EEPROM.write(ntime/48,Ccloseavg); Serial.print(",\t"); Serial.print((;
// Wakeuplight! nwakeup = (((ntime-nwakeupstart)) % (24*60*4))/4;
maken als functies die het licht achtereenvolgens inschakelen, hier if (nwakeup < 40 & & (nsunrise > nwakeupstart - 30 * 4)) {als (nwakeup > 0) digitalWrite(L1,LOW); als (nwakeup > 5) digitalWrite(L2,LOW); als (nwakeup > 10 & & dotweek! = 6 & & dotweek! = 0) digitalWrite(L3,LOW); als (nwakeup > 14 & & dotweek! = 6 & & dotweek! = 0) digitalWrite (L4 LAAG); Als (nwakeup > 18 & & dotweek! = 6 & & dotweek! = 0) digitalWrite(L5,LOW); Als (nwakeup > 22 & & dotweek! = 6 & & dotweek! = 0) digitalWrite(L6,LOW); Als (nwakeup > 25 & & dotweek! = 6 & & dotweek! = 0) digitalWrite(L7,LOW); Als (nwakeup > 28 & & dotweek! = 6 & & dotweek! = 0) digitalWrite(L8,LOW); //create the if functions that turn the light on consecutively, here if (nwakeup < 40 && (nsunrise > nwakeupstart - 30*4)) { if (nwakeup > 0) digitalWrite(L1,LOW); if (nwakeup > 5) digitalWrite(L2,LOW); if (nwakeup > 10 && dotweek != 6 && dotweek != 0) digitalWrite(L3,LOW); if (nwakeup > 14 && dotweek != 6 && dotweek != 0) digitalWrite(L4,LOW); if (nwakeup > 18 && dotweek != 6 && dotweek != 0) digitalWrite(L5,LOW); if (nwakeup > 22 && dotweek != 6 && dotweek != 0) digitalWrite(L6,LOW); if (nwakeup > 25 && dotweek != 6 && dotweek != 0) digitalWrite(L7,LOW); if (nwakeup > 28 && dotweek != 6 && dotweek != 0) digitalWrite(L8,LOW); } else { digitalWrite(L1,HIGH); digitalWrite(L2,HIGH); digitalWrite(L3,HIGH); digitalWrite(L4,HIGH); digitalWrite(L5,HIGH); digitalWrite(L6,HIGH); digitalWrite(L7,HIGH); digitalWrite(L8,HIGH); } else {digitalWrite(L1,HIGH); digitalWrite(L2,HIGH); digitalWrite(L3,HIGH); digitalWrite(L4,HIGH); digitalWrite(L5,HIGH); digitalWrite(L6,HIGH); digitalWrite(L7,HIGH); digitalWrite(L8,HIGH); // Picture loop - to draw the stuff on the screen (done once every loop) u8g.firstPage(); do { draw(); } while( u8g.nextPage() ); // End Picture Loop
Foto lus - tot het opstellen van het spul op het scherm (eenmaal elke lus gedaan) u8g.firstPage(); {draw(); //Processing ended, shut down LED Serial.println(); digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);
//At the end of day, adjust the loopdelay parameter to make sure each loop takes 15 seconds ntime++; if (ntime == 5760) { timeatend=now.minute()*60+now.second(); //include DST effect if (timeatend > 60*60) { loopdelay = loopdelay - (60*60-timeatend)/5760*1000; } else { loopdelay = loopdelay + timeatend/5760*1000; } EEPROM.write(255,loopdelay-14600); ntime=0; } delay(loopdelay); }
Aan het eind van de dag, het aanpassen van de parameter loopdelay om ervoor te zorgen dat elke lus duurt 15 seconden ntime ++; Als (ntime == 5760) {timeatend=now.minute()*60+now.second(); //include DST effect als (timeatend > 60 * 60) {loopdelay = loopdelay - (60 * 60-timeatend) / 5760 * 1000;else {loopdelay = loopdelay + timeatend/5760 * 1000;EEPROM.write(255,loopdelay-14600); NTIME = 0;delay(loopdelay);