Stap 6: Sweepstakes script:
Ik gebruik het script van, en hier overgenomen:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7# by Alex Eames import tweepy import random # Consumer keys and access tokens, used for OAuth consumer_key = 'copy your consumer key here' consumer_secret = 'copy your consumer secret here' access_token = 'copy your access token here' access_token_secret = 'copy your access token secret here' # OAuth process, using the keys and tokens auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) # Creation of the actual interface, using authentication api = tweepy.API(auth) follow2 = api.followers_ids() # gives a list of followers ids print "you have %d followers" % len(follow2) show_list = str(raw_input("Do you want to list the followers array?")) if show_list == ('y' or 'yes' or 'Y' or 'Yes' or 'YES'): print follow2 def pick_winner(): random_number = random.randint(0, len(follow2)-1) winner = api.get_user(follow2[random_number]) print winner.screen_name, random_number while True: pick = raw_input("Press Enter to pick a winner, Q to quit.") if pick == ('q' or 'Q' or 'quit' or 'QUIT' or 'Quit'): break pick_winner()