Stap 7: Softwarecode
Hieronder is de code die wordt gebruikt om weer te geven van onze locatie op het LCD-scherm. Voordat u de code uploaden, zorg ervoor dat de verzendende van het SAP (Pin 3) wordt verbroken. Met andere woorden, haal de draad die naar de Arduino pin 0 gaat voor het uploaden van de code. Zodra de code is geladen, kunt u de draad weer aansluiten.
#include #include SoftwareSerial mySerial(0, 1); // RX, TX LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);//Initialize the variables globally char GPS_text; int comma_count = 0; String latitude, longitude; int South = 0, West = 0, count =1;void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); mySerial.begin(57600); lcd.begin(16, 2); }void loop() // run over and over { if (mySerial.available()){ //Check for the data available GPS_text =; //Store the value in the variable if(GPS_text == '$'){ //Check if the variable starts with '$' Serial.write("\n"); comma_count = 0; latitude = "\0"; longitude = "\0"; } //**************GPS Count*************// if(GPS_text == ',') //Check for the comma and separate { ` comma_count = comma_count +1; } if(comma_count == 2) { latitude += GPS_text; //The receiver transmit or receive by a byte at a time. This command will be used to store the bytes in the single variable count = 0; } if(comma_count == 3) { latitude += GPS_text; if (count == 1) { // **********GPS LATITUDE DATA SEPERATION*********** Serial.println("***************GPS DATA************"); Serial.println("LAT:"+ latitude); //To display the GPS format latitute in ddmm.mmmm String dd, mm1, mm2, mm3; int dotlocation = latitude.indexOf('.'); dd = latitude.substring(dotlocation-4, dotlocation-2); mm1 = latitude.substring(dotlocation-2, dotlocation); mm2 = latitude.substring(dotlocation+1, dotlocation+5); unsigned long D1 = dd.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int unsigned long MM1 = mm1.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int unsigned long MM2 = mm2.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int int setdot; //Used to set the precision if (D1 > 9) setdot = 2; else setdot = 1; Serial.print("DD= "); Serial.println(D1); //Store the dd Serial.print("mm1="); Serial.println(MM1); //Store two mm Serial.print("mm2="); Serial.println(MM2); //Store the remain .mmmm Serial.print("dotlocation = "); Serial.println(dotlocation); //***********Conversion****************// D1= D1 * 100000; Serial.println(D1); MM1 = MM1 * 10000; unsigned long temp; temp = MM1 + MM2; Serial.println(temp); temp = temp / 6; D1 = D1+ temp; Serial.print("D1 = "); Serial.println(D1); String A = (String)D1; dd = A.substring(0,setdot); mm1= A.substring(setdot); if (GPS_text == 'S') { A = '-' + dd + '.' + mm1; //To display the "-dd.mmmm" if its South Serial.write("South = \t"); } else { A = dd + '.' + mm1; //To display the "dd.mmmm" if its North Serial.write("North = \t"); } Serial.println(A); //*********LCD Display*******// lcd.setCursor(0, 0); //Setting the cursor position lcd.print("LAT:" + A); //Print the result in the LCD } //to check the GPS text after comma count = count+1; } if(comma_count == 4) { longitude += GPS_text; count =0; } if(comma_count ==5) { longitude += GPS_text; if (count == 1) { // **********GPS Longitude DATA SEPERATION*********** Serial.println("LON:"+ longitude); String dd, mm1, mm2, mm3; int dotlocation = longitude.indexOf('.'); dd = longitude.substring(dotlocation-5, dotlocation-2); mm1 = longitude.substring(dotlocation-2, dotlocation); mm2 = longitude.substring(dotlocation+1, dotlocation+5); unsigned long D1 = dd.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int unsigned long MM1 = mm1.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int unsigned long MM2 = mm2.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int int setdot; if (D1 > 99) setdot = 3; else if (D1 >9) setdot = 2; else setdot = 1; Serial.print("DD= "); Serial.println(D1); //Store the dd Serial.print("mm1="); Serial.println(MM1); //Store the mm Serial.print("mm2="); Serial.println(MM2); //Store the .mmmm Serial.print("dotlocation = "); Serial.println(dotlocation); //***********Conversion****************// D1= D1 * 100000; Serial.println(D1); MM1 = MM1 * 10000; unsigned long temp; temp = MM1 + MM2; Serial.println(temp); temp = temp / 6; D1 = D1+ temp; Serial.print("D1 = "); Serial.println(D1); String A = (String)D1; dd = A.substring(0,setdot); mm1= A.substring(setdot); if (GPS_text == 'W') { A = '-' + dd + '.' + mm1; //To display if its West Serial.write("West = \t"); } else { A = dd + '.' + mm1; //To display if its South Serial.write("East = \t"); } Serial.println(A); //*********LCD Display*******// lcd.setCursor(0, 1); //Setting the cursor position lcd.print("LON:" + A);//Print the result in the LCD } count = count+1; } if(comma_count == 6) { count =0; } } }