Stap 3: Meer code
Nu laten we doen meer code!
X = MsgBox ("Failed to open mijn computer. you want to fix it?", 4 + 48,"warning")
X = MsgBox ("Unable to fix fout. wilt u uw computer scannen", 1 + 48,"Scan")
X = MsgBox ("een virus werd gevonden. Virus verwijderen?", 4 + 16,"Alert")
X = MsgBox ("Unable to delete virus", 0 + 16, 'Kritieke fout')
X = MsgBox("Virus is activated",2+16,"alert") X = MsgBox("Deleting system files...",0+16,"File Deletion") X = MsgBox ("Virus is uw wachtwoord kopiëren", 0 + 16, "Virus Alert")
X = MsgBox ("uploaden data to server. Wilt u om het te stoppen?", 3 + 64,"File Transfer")
X = MsgBox ("kon niet stoppen. Bestandsoverdracht voltooid", 0 + 16, 'Complete')
X = MsgBox ("Uw Computer is gehackt", 0 + 64, "Info")
Kopieer dit naar laptop of schrijf uw eigen code.