Stap 4: codering.
1. download de arduino demo-project (clockWithCalendar.rar) op uw computer.
2. open het project van Arduino IDE, en het programma vervolgens te uploaden naar je board.
Voor meer informatie? Gelieve te verwijzen naar de wikipagina.
Meer spannende functies verwijzen wij u naar de Gebruikershandleiding.
De belangrijkste code is hieronder weergegeven.
#include <Wire.h>#include <I2C_LCD.h>#include "DS1307.h"//For detials of the function useage, please refer to "I2C_LCD User Manual". //You can download the "I2C_LCD User Manual" from I2C_LCD WIKI page: // LCD; //define a object of I2C_LCD class uint8_t I2C_LCD_ADDRESS = 0x51; //Device address configuration, the default value is 0x51.extern GUI_Bitmap_t bmClock; //Declare bitmap data packet.char monthTab[13][6] = {"Null","Jan.,","Feb.,", "Mar.,", "Apr.,", "May,", "Jun.,", "Jul.,", "Aug.,", "Sep.,", "Oct.,", "Nov.,", "Dec.,"}; char weekTab[8][10] = {"Null","Mon.,","Tues.,", "Wed.,", "Thur.,", "Fri.,", "Sat.,", "Sun.,"}; char dayTab[32][6] = {"Null","1st,","2nd,", "3rd,", "4th,", "5th,", "6th,", "7th,", "8th,", "9th,", "10th,", "11th,", "12th,", "13th,", "14th,", "15th,", "16th,", "17th,", "18th,", "19th,", "20th,", "21th,", "22nd,", "23rd,", "24th,", "25th,", "26th,", "27th,", "28th,", "29th,", "30th,", "31st,"};char timeTab[10] = {"00:00:00"};DS1307 clock; //define a object of DS1307 classvoid setup() { Wire.begin(); //I2C controller initialization. clock.begin(); //RTC initialization. clock.fillByYMD(2015,07,31); //Jul 31,2015 clock.fillByHMS(21,20,30); //21:20:30" clock.fillDayOfWeek(FRI); //Friday clock.setTime(); //Write time to the RTC chip. }void loop() { LCD.CleanAll(WHITE); //Clean the screen with black or white. //Booting logo ON, backlight ON, bitmap work mode. //If you want to display characters please switch to WM_CharMode. LCD.WorkingModeConf(ON, ON, WM_BitmapMode); //Display bitmap at the specified location. //Prototype: void DrawScreenAreaAt(GUI_Bitmap_t *bitmap, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) LCD.DrawScreenAreaAt(&bmClock, 4, 3); //Draw a rectangle, and filled with black; //Prototype: void DrawRectangleAt(x, y, width, height, mode); LCD.DrawRectangleAt(0, 0, 128, 5, BLACK_FILL); LCD.DrawRectangleAt(0, 59, 128, 5, BLACK_FILL); //Booting logo ON, backlight ON, character work mode. LCD.WorkingModeConf(ON, ON, WM_CharMode); while(1) { //Update the date and time. clock.getTime(); //Set font size. LCD.FontModeConf(Font_6x8, FM_ANL_AAA, BLACK_BAC); //Set the start coordinate. LCD.CharGotoXY(5,10); //Date format: Fri.,24st,Jul.,2015 LCD.print(weekTab[clock.dayOfWeek]); LCD.print(dayTab[clock.dayOfMonth]); LCD.print(monthTab[clock.month]); LCD.print(clock.year+2000); //Set font size. LCD.FontModeConf(Font_10x20, FM_ANL_AAA, BLACK_BAC); //Set the start coordinate. LCD.CharGotoXY(40,32); //Time format: 00:00:00 snprintf(timeTab, 9, "%02d:%02d:%02d", clock.hour, clock.minute, clock.second); LCD.print(timeTab); delay(1000); } }